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[ACP]⇒ [PDF] Free The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation? edition by David Pawson Religion Spirituality eBooks

The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation? edition by David Pawson Religion Spirituality eBooks

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Download PDF The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation?  edition by David Pawson Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Most of Jesus' teaching on this uncomfortable subject was addressed to his followers, yet it hardly features in sermons today. Challenging the modern alternatives of liberal 'universalism' and evangelical 'annihilationism', David Pawson presents the traditional concept of endless torment as soundly biblical, illustrating his argument with in-depth Scripture studies on controversial passages. Heaven is also a reality, he affirms, but it is hell which is being overlooked.

The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation? edition by David Pawson Religion Spirituality eBooks

In "The Road to Hell," author David Pawson has written a compelling book about an unfashionable subject. He points out that while the concept of Hell used to be a frequent sermon subject in bygone eras, it is hardly mentioned in churches today. The very word "Hell" is used more as a swear word than to scare people into repentance. Yet Jesus talked about Hell, and so Pawson says people should pay careful attention to the topic.

The theological questions around the concept of Hell are numerous. What and where is Hell? Does it mean burning in an eternal fire, or simply separation from God? Or does death perhaps bring oblivion or sleep?

Pawson gives a good summary of the many shades of opinion. The good news, he says, is that only two qualifications are needed to avoid Hell and enjoy Heaven: forgiveness and holiness. However, he warns readers, "Salvation may be free, but it is not cheap." It requires believers to "take up the cross daily and follow [Jesus]."

"The Road to Hell" is packed with so much information that it's hard to do justice to it in a review. Readers who are interested in the subject may want to order the book in order to see the author's scriptural assessment of a place most of us would rather avoid if we could. Pawson has much to say about how not to end up in Hell. He also gives us an appealing description of Heaven.

This book is available on Kindle.

Product details

  • File Size 1841 KB
  • Print Length 256 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1909886424
  • Publisher Anchor Recordings Ltd (April 11, 2014)
  • Publication Date April 11, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation?  edition by David Pawson Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : The Road to Hell: Everlasting Torment or Annihilation? - Kindle edition by David Pawson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Road to Hell: Everlasting Torment or Annihilation?.,ebook,David Pawson,The Road to Hell: Everlasting Torment or Annihilation?,Anchor Recordings Ltd,RELIGION Christianity General
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The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation? edition by David Pawson Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

Great book! Every christian must know!
Hell is a subject that many of us dare not think deeply about. This book allows us to to that, factually biblically, yet with sensitivity and without complacency.
God is our Awesome King. Let him do with you as he pleases. Bow before him and share all your anxieties with him and he will Comfort you. Fear the Lord and obey his commands. Don’t worry about anything and all you do don’t complain about anything. Rejoice always in the Lord.
Things that you don't want to think of, but have no choice. David Pawson is a master writer and brings to the forefront what ever Christian needs to know to walk that straight and narrow path to heaven.
First, I want to thank Terra Nova Publications for making David Pawson's books available in e-Book format.

"The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation?" is a good explanation of all Jesus' sayings about hell (including those in Revelation). I learned some new points that I've never heard, that hell is a final destination of torment that is still prepared and that most (if not all) of the sayings of Jesus about hell are directed as warnings to believers in God.
The book is mostly concerned on the question "What will hell be like, everlasting torment or annihilation?". Today we really need an answer to that question, because concept about annihilation sounds really convenient for anyone who believes in God of love, who can't in his love throw any man in hell to be tormented forever.

Regarding explanation about hell, I was a little disappointed that there is no Old Testament background about Hades (which I found is used 63 times with Strong's index H7585 in KJV). Indeed, David Pawson mentions that Hades and Hell are two different places, but at least we need that background, because both places seems to be related. For example, one of the cases where Hades is mentioned is where Korah, Dathan, and Abiram went down alive in Hades. So, even if we look only in the New Testament we will see that epistle of Judas gives a strong warning and includes that OT case as "perished in the gainsaying of Core".

Finally, I give 4 stars (out of 5), because the book starts with the conclusions and ends with the explanations of each Bible text. This makes it hard for reading and following. In addition, no excerpts of the Bible texts are included. This is very inconvenient, because I read on a and I can't open two books simultaneously. I read authors explanation to open my Bible next to his book, but that just can't be done with eBook readers, yet.
I highly recommend this book for anyone who isn't afraid of the truth. Jesus and true repentance is the way - David Pawson makes no apologies for the Bible, nor does he water anything down like many teachers do. Get ready to be convicted!
In "The Road to Hell," author David Pawson has written a compelling book about an unfashionable subject. He points out that while the concept of Hell used to be a frequent sermon subject in bygone eras, it is hardly mentioned in churches today. The very word "Hell" is used more as a swear word than to scare people into repentance. Yet Jesus talked about Hell, and so Pawson says people should pay careful attention to the topic.

The theological questions around the concept of Hell are numerous. What and where is Hell? Does it mean burning in an eternal fire, or simply separation from God? Or does death perhaps bring oblivion or sleep?

Pawson gives a good summary of the many shades of opinion. The good news, he says, is that only two qualifications are needed to avoid Hell and enjoy Heaven forgiveness and holiness. However, he warns readers, "Salvation may be free, but it is not cheap." It requires believers to "take up the cross daily and follow [Jesus]."

"The Road to Hell" is packed with so much information that it's hard to do justice to it in a review. Readers who are interested in the subject may want to order the book in order to see the author's scriptural assessment of a place most of us would rather avoid if we could. Pawson has much to say about how not to end up in Hell. He also gives us an appealing description of Heaven.

This book is available on .
Ebook PDF The Road to Hell Everlasting Torment or Annihilation?  edition by David Pawson Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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